Saturday 31 December 2016

What I learnt in 2016 | Advice | New Years goals

As we ae now heading into 2017 I decided that I would do a blog post giving you some advice on what I have learnt throughout this past year and also some advice on the year coming. For some of you, you might think that you don't need a new year to start making goals you might just want to do it tomorrow etc. That is totally fine and I can agree with you but a lot of people prefer to do it at the end of the year and its nice to help people and give them guidance along the way. Despite everything that has happened for some people I think that its important to go into the New Year being surrounded by the ones that you love and to be more strong and determined to go into the New Year.

Some advice that I have learnt throughout the year is to be yourself, this sounds very cliché but its really important. This means don't take anyone's SHIT! If you are truly yourself you will become a much more independent positive person. It also links in with confidence something that I have been working on this past year and for me my confidence has increased a lot. However, I would like to be more confident and that is something that I'm going to work on. Being in the past can affect a lot of people and what I mean by this is that to many people think about what has happened or what is going to happen and this can affect so many people, for me I have always done this but recently I have been trying harder to stop thinking about what happened or what is going to happen and start focusing on NOW. Some advice that I have recently found out and I think that it will help a lot of people is to stay off your phones for as long as possible, having me time is so important and being glued to a phone screen is just time wasting. For me this has only helped me in the past month as for the whole year I have been glued to my phone and missed out on so many different opportunities which are so important, for this upcoming year I think that you should all try and stay off your phone for as long as you can and some of yo reading this might think I'm crazy for saying this but honestly it will help. It will open new doors and pathways, you can start going out more and get some fresh air, take long walks with your pets if you have any or even on your own. Life doesn't just revolve around a screen and I think that is so important. Another life lesson that I have learnt is to stop comparing myself to other people, at the start of the year this is all I used to do I would be up for hours watching videos of girls putting makeup on or just being themselves and I would put myself down comparing every single little thing of me to them and it really made me very negative about myself and that isn't good that is not the life to live. I think that self love is a very important thing and I think that no matter what it is going to be hard to love yourself all the time and that okay but self love is very important and I think that everyone no matter who you are should love yourself. Instagram became very famous for models this year and a lot of my Instagram feed is full of famous Instagram models and I would used to sit there and compare myself to them but now I don't, it is okay to feel inspired by them but please, please do not be like them. You are you're own self and that is so important to just keep being you.

New Years goals can be very different depending on the type of person you are. For me my New Year goals are going to be very focused and adventurous. This means that I want to start going out more and exploring the world that we live in because we have some amazing places around the world which need to be explored. As I am in college I need to be a lot more focused with the work that I'm doing as I frequently get bored when in college and don't do as much work as I can and this really needs to be improved for 2017. If any of you lovelies reading this are in college you know how stressful it really can be and sometimes you just want to go home after a long day and have a nice soak in the bath which you can do but firstly we need to start getting all of our work done! Something that really bugs me about myself is that I always stay in bed because I'm a very lazy person, probably the laziest person that you could ever met and all I ever want to do is to be in bed and I spend around 80% of my life there. However, I want to change that and I think that important because it can help me by doing more things, exploring and finding new adventures, friends and opportunities.

I want to become a lot more independent and by this I mean I don't want to constantly keep asking people for help, I want to start doing things on my own and become a more mature person, soon I'm going to start learning to drive and when I'm driving I cant be asking people for help constantly so this is a big step for me to take. I think that as soon as you become independent there is an increase of confidence because you then know that you can start doing things on your own and you become much more reliable of the choices that you then have to make.

Two of my New Years goals are very similar and will really help me in life, I struggle with anxiety problems and I find it very hard when in college to communicate with teachers and peers. I honestly truly think that the reason for this is because I don't put myself out there enough and I get to scared of what other people will think of me and this really affects me often. For 2017 I'm going to try my best to put a stop to it. I have been reading other blog posts and a lot of people are trying to become a lot more confident in the upcoming year. I have also seen a lot of people talking about the book 'The power of now' and that has seemed to help a lot of people so as soon as I can I will be purchasing that. Positivity is something that can really help someone and can make them more confident. if you are surrounded by positivity you will become more positive revolving in more happiness and this will in the end make you more of a confident person. Confidence is very key and I think that it looks very attractive on someone when they come across as confident, for some people including me its very hard to be confident and I really hope that 2017 is the year where I become so confident because I have been struggling with confidence for a long time now and it really does affect me and I just hope that so many other people can do the same as me and try their best because that is all that really matters.

Around October time I started working out because I noticed that my body hasn't really got any muscle in it and something that I really want is to build muscle in my body, since October I was working very hard to try and keep fit. When I was working out I started to eat healthy and I really noticed a change not only in my body but also my mind it really increased my happiness and driven me to stay focused. Christmas came along and all I wanted to do was pig out, but I mean I don't mind that you can always have a little treat now and then. My goal for 2017 is to stay focused and fit as I possibly can and to take them booty gains!! I really think that working out helps a lot of people and it has really helped me. Linking in with working out there is mediation which I have always wanted to do but have never really tired it and for this upcoming year it is something that I really want to try. I am following a few people who love to do mediation and has said that it has helped them become a much more positive and focused person. Meditation has many benefits and is really supposed to help the brain with being relived. For me being in college is very stressful as I am there for 5 days a week and soon I'm going to start having to look for a job and I think the stress then will be huge. I will need some sort of escape and I think that meditation will be the best stress relive for me.

I hope that this is one of the best years for everyone out there and I hope that everyone has a happy and positive year. I want to know some of your New Year goals and advice leave it in the comment section and share this post around with friends. Much love, Erin xoxo